Have anxiety?! This is what is working for me!!

For the last 4 years or so I’ve struggled with anxiety and have taken some steps to get it under control that have made a difference in my life and I hope they can for you too. I realize this is a common issue for so many of us and I wanted to share what’s … Continue Reading

Today is my birthday and it means something different this year…

It’s my birthday today and this one hits so much differently than any others before it. This past year has hands-down been one of the hardest years of my life. I got a divorce over a year ago after 16 years of marriage and it put me in some dark places I wouldn’t wish on … Continue Reading

30 Life-Changing Lessons I learned in 2022

2022 has been super challenging for me and in many ways it has been the year that has pushed me to grow like never before in my life. So many things I held as truth for most of my life, I realized were not. The lessons and beliefs I have had, have completely changed in … Continue Reading