Dear White Mom’s: What I Need You To Know….

Dear White Moms, You are my friends. You are my sisters. We are the same in more ways than we are different, but there are a few things that I need you to know. I have three black boys. They are the sweetest and most amazing humans I’ve ever met. They are incredibly intelligent, creative, artistic, … Continue Reading

7 Ways I Doubled My Savings Last Year

The last few years, I have really been focusing on building up my savings account. I’m always looking for ways to reach my financial goals, and throughout the past year I have reached quite a few. It has a lot to do with putting these tips into practice. 1. Set up Auto Draft. I set … Continue Reading

5 Qualities To Look For In A Close Friend

As many of you know, I am very passionate about friendship. I’m constantly reading books on the topic, searching the Bible for what it says about friendship, looking for ways to grow, and challenging friends to do the same. So much of the Bible focuses on making relationships, connecting with each other, carrying each others … Continue Reading

When You Feel Disconnected to Your Faith

There are many times I have felt disconnected from my faith. My beliefs really don’t change. At times, I just don’t feel the sense of closeness with God I have experienced during other times of my life. In the worst of days, I have felt empty, frustrated, or deeply sad. Sometimes, I’ve even felt guilty … Continue Reading

9 Powerful Prayers for Your Children

Powerful prayers for children. I have three sons. I have really made it a point to pray for them consistently and intentionally. I used to only pray for them when I’m worried or battling fear. Since they were kids, I would go into their rooms at night, and pray over them while they are sleeping. … Continue Reading

Lessons Learned: Some friendships don’t last forever, and that doesn’t make them a waste

I am super intentional about my friendships. About learning how to be a better friend. About loving my friends well. About being there for my friends any time they need me. About talking through the hard stuff, forgiving, and going the extra mile for my friends. I am a really good friend. It’s one of … Continue Reading

10 Bible Verses About Fear

  I just came out of a week that I was battling some serious fears and anxieties. I desperately needed to hold on to what God’s word says about fear, and focusing on bible verses about fear made all the difference. Life can be hard at times. We all struggle with different fears, and when … Continue Reading

Lessons Learned: Generosity can leave you with resentment if it’s left unchecked

  Alright, so I am starting a series called “Lessons Learned.” Here, I will share a variety of really hard lessons I’ve learned in my life, but mainly in the last few years or so. I’ve been through many ups and downs, really making an impact on my view of life. I am hoping this … Continue Reading

What is the best age for Disney World?

Our family has been to Disney World many times, and the number one question I always get is : “What is the best age for Disney World?”. Well…I just returned from a fabulous trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida with my youngest son, my sister, and my nephew. We took our 2 five-year old … Continue Reading

4 questions that will get your kids to talk openly about school

Something happens when your kids go to school that, it becomes like pulling teeth to get them to talk about their days.  I want to share with you 4 questions that will get your kids to talk openly about school.  I have 3 boys that are currently in elementary and high school.  I have learned … Continue Reading