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Since my kids were little we made sure they knew the importance of taking care of the earth.  The older they have become, the more they have seen a direct correlation in how our actions affect the earth we live in.  Earth Day is such a fun time to celebrate with kids, and teach them some valuable lessons.  Today we are partnering with Stonyfield® Organic Kids® to share 5 ways to celebrate Earth Day.

  1. Clean up a local park.

My middle son is obsessed with taking care of the earth, and loves to pick up trash wherever we go so heading to a park is perfect for us. There are plenty of parks that could use a helping hand in our city.  It’s an easy way to have a big impact on the earth, and other children’s lives.

  1. Walk or Ride.

Choosing to walk or ride a bike to your destination rather than driving a car is a great way to celebrate Earth Day.  Appreciating and embracing the beauty of the earth, while getting some exercise is a fun way for kids to celebrate.

  1. Plant a tree or flower.

My kids could play in the dirt all day, so planting a tree or flower is a great way to have fun while celebrating this day.  We all grab some shovels and have a great time. This is a great way to acknowledge all the beauty that comes from the earth that we get to enjoy every day.

Lifestyle blogger, Onlygirl4boyz, shares 5 of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day with kids! Be sure to check out these fun ways to celebrate!

Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day

4.   Enjoy some Stonyfield® Organic Kids® yogurt.

Did you know? Stonyfield® Organic Kids® yogurt multipacks are made from plants! Cups made from plants have a lower carbon footprint and are better for the environment than petroleum based cups. This is such a great way to celebrate Earth Month, and snack on the only kid’s yogurt that comes in plant-based cups.

Celebrating Earth Day

This is my kid’s favorite way to celebrate because, it includes eating which happens to be their favorite hobby.

Another reason that I love Stonyfield® is because they recently completed a sugar reduction across its Stonyfield® Organic Kids® portfolio, featuring 25% – 40% less sugar than the leading kids’ yogurt. So, I don’t have to worry about my kids bouncing off the walls just from having a yogurt.

Celebrating Earth Day

Lifestyle blogger, Onlygirl4boyz, shares 5 of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day with kids! Be sure to check out these fun ways to celebrate!

As a mom, I have always been mindful of the ingredients in the foods and snacks I give my kids. That’s why I love that each cup of Stonyfield® Organic Kids® is always made without the use of toxic persistent pesticides, artificial hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.

5. Make an Organic Meal.

This is a great day to head to the store, and pick up some organic ingredients to make a meal together with your kids. The kids love being involved in the whole process.  Some of our favorites are a fresh salad with fruits or a good Chicken Stir Fry.  It’s a great way to explain what Earth Day is about in another delicious way.

I hope you will use some of these 5 fun ways to celebrate Earth Day with your kids this year.

Do you have any other ways that you celebrate this day?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Stonyfield® Organic Kids®


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My kids love stoneyfield! I am heading out to my daughter’s earth day concert in about 1/2 hour! Its so cold out here, we want to plant and get outside, mother nature is not cooperating with this plan!


LOL! I know it’s finally starting to feel like Spring here!


I love these ideas! My 4 year old has been begging me to plant some flowers, what a great opportunity to do so on earth day!


Yes!Kids of every age love that!


So many great tips to get the kids involved!!


Thanks so much!


You have a beautiful family. I would be all about the organic meal. ANything with food has my heart!


Thanks so much! Yes me too! LOL


I love your tips and your children are precious! Thank you for sharing these great tips!!


Really appreciate it!


Love your ideas for earth day. We use the Stoneyfield plain greek yogurt in our smoothing. Great taste and great price. Thank you for sharing.


Oh I’m sure that’s really good!


These are all such great ideas! We planted a garden this week with my little guy which was really fun! And your littlest’s face in that last shot – so adorable! You have a beautiful family!


LOL Thanks!!


These are all amazing ideas on ways to celebrate!


I love planting things with my kids. We just moved to Texas, so we keep killing stuff out in the yard. 🙁 Here’s to hoping this summer we remember to water them more! Love your earth day ideas. I’m all about saving resources.


LOL I am pretty bad with keeping things alive, but I try!

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